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6 Strategic SEO Techniques to Boost Your Website Traffic

26-Apr-2021 | SEO

You own a real estate business and researched that one of the ways to generate leads is through writing blogs. The best content writer in your team churns out the finest, impeccable content. But for some reason, you do not see many people engaging with it or interacting with your content. You wonder what can be wrong with it?

Well, the thing is, in today’s time, writing just good content is not enough. You need to know how to strategically make your content visible to your target audience. This is where SEO comes in. Strategic SEO is defined as optimizing content with certain tools and techniques for Google to place it on the top of their search results. 

There are many professional experts and SEO service agencies that provide good, effective SEO services. But the good news is that you can too improve the visibility and ranking of your website through these 6 basic SEO strategies.


Writing effective title tag 

A title tag in HTML language is a headline that describes shortly what the blog, ad, or webpage is going to be about. You may wonder what’s the big deal in writing a title? Isn't it supposed to be easy?

Well, the thing is your blog, ad, or web page’s visibility on the top ranks of the search results depends on the title tag. Users will only click on those sites which have very attention-grabbing and crisp titles. Something which instantly generates their interest and wants to explore more about the blog, ad, or website. Not to mention, the proper usage of keywords determining the ranking of the content. 

If you are a first-time blogger, it's better to keep certain pointers in mind while formulating a title


  1. A good strategic SEO title should consist of 50-60 characters

  2. Make sure they have the primary keyword infused in it.

  3. Long-tail variations keywords improve your ranking. For example, instead of writing 6 SEO Strategies, use 6 SEO Strategies for First-time Content Writers.

  4. If possible, try to start the headline with the primary keyword itself.

  5. Read the content to find the unique elements of the blog and bring them out in the title.

  6. Headings that evoke emotions, suspense, end in a question, or provides something of utility, etc. gains huge traction.


Writing an engaging meta description

Another aspect you should look out for is the meta description. It is the anchor tag of the HTML. It is a very short and to-the-point summary of what the blog or the website is going to be about. When you are looking for DIY ideas to create cool, summery outfits, you will find a short description just below the headline. That is called the meta description.

While writing a meta description

  1. Keep them within 160-165 characters. 

  2. The primary keyword should definitely be inserted in the meta tag. 

  3. Include the unique value points, offers, etc. in the description. 

  4. Experiment with action verbs and phrases.

  5. To make it clickable, always add a catchy CTA or call to action.

To make a positive impression on first-time users and leverage your brand online, a smart strategic SEO headline along with an engaging meta description is definitely something you must work around with.


Develop long-form content

What if we tell you that long-form content performs better on the search rankings? 

Semrush, a popular online visibility management platform, researched various Google articles including short-form and long-form content. They observed that sites with long-term content performed better as they generated more web traffic, shares, and backlinks than the rest.

It proves that there is a parallel between the length of the content and improved search results. 

Long-form articles consist of more than 1000 words. Now, this goes without saying that you should not just focus on long-form content only. Keep a balance between short and long-form articles. Maybe in a month, generate at least 2 long-form articles.

For structuring any type of SEO content


  1. You should use keywords that balance between keyword difficulty and search volume. 

  2. Follow a proper format

  3. Use subheadings and if possible insert keywords there also.

  4. Your first paragraph should have the primary keyword 

  5. Create the first rough draft of your content. Get it revised by professionals or other writers. Make revisions before putting the final content online


Accurate keyword research

Remember, when you were in school, your teacher used to tell you to use specific keywords in your answer to getting more marks. Similarly, in the world of online search engine optimization marketing,  keywords play a very important role to rank your blogs higher.

But the real question is: How do you find the right keywords? Well, to begin with, there are keyword research tools available online. Depending on the content you write, you insert the keyword in the keyword tool and produce information on the ranking, keyword difficulty, search results, keywords used by competitors, click-through rates, etc. With the related keywords option, you can find synonyms of the primary keyword. 

Usually, long-tailed keywords are preferred in the content. Let us explain this with an example. There is a user who wants to search for a salon shop in North Kolkata. So which one keyword do you think is effective? salon shop or salon shop in North Kolkata? Of course, the second one. Because it is specific to what the user is searching for. 

Long-tailed keywords can have low search volume but offer high visibility. However, if the search volume is too low, you can use mid-tail keywords with medium to low search volume.


Provide outbound, internal links, and backlinks

Linking a part of your content to the website or any other source is an important part of the strategic SEO strategy. It is a smart way of generating traffic to your website.

Outbound links directly link your site to another site. It is done to offer more value to the content. Say you own an online bakery shop and write a blog about DIY ways to prepare a chocolate cake. You can add a link to your website that will take the users to it. 

Inbound or backlinks on the other hand are links that connect to your blog or website. You can create backlinks on different platforms like Quora, Tumblr, Pinterest, online press release forums, etc. When people read content on these platforms and want to explore further, they click on the link that will take them to your website.

Internal links within your website or blog are linked to different parts of the page like home, about us, contact information, etc. It helps the user to navigate your site and interact with the content. It also redirects them to the old, existing content, offering a scope of increasing the ranking.


Use proper image configuration

Content with just text in it will never grab anybody’s eyeballs. You need to put relevant and high-quality images in it to break the monotony. 

You can find images on platforms like Freepik, Unsplash, Behance, etc. They are available in high resolution.  When it comes to using JPG or PNG format, it depends on what kind of picture you want to install. If it's a photograph, then JPG is a better option but if they contain pictures with graphs, screenshots, infographics, etc. then PNG is more suitable.

When you upload the image, always write the ALT text. It is basically a description of the image. The text should be precise with rich content, information, and primary keywords so that Google can understand the image better and increase the user’s access to your website. 


Practicing good SEO techniques is a good way to start ranking your blogs and website. However, the competition to reach the top is fierce and it takes Google approximately 6-8 months to rank your content on the top. The best way to consistently improve your rankings is to keep up with the latest SEO trends and techniques.

Digitale is a digital marketing and SEO service agency in Kolkata that has specialised SEO experts who can improve your blog/website rankings and attract the leads you need for your business. 


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